Monday, March 31, 2008

PEEPING TOM posted by A

I’m a big fan of Comcast free on-demand. Especially, I love old horror/suspense movies.

This weekend I came across a movie called Peeping Tom. It’s essentially about a guy whose father was obsessed with fear and the reaction to fear. The main character, Mark Lewis, grows up to be obsessed with killing women with a knife that’s hidden in his tripod… and filming their looks of horror when they know what’s going to happen to them.

Peeping Tom was filmed in 1960. The movie was especially controversial at the time, as not only does it have a murderer filming the women dying, but he also takes photos of scantily clad women. I guess you can say it’s the closest to being a snuff film without the sex.

Director Michael Powell was banned for a while from working in the UK after the film was released. In the late 1960’s Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorcese tried to set up projects with him after the movie was “rediscovered.”

It’s been described as the “British Psycho.” Oddly enough, Psycho was released by Hitchcock only three months after Peeping Tom. After nearly killing his career, Peeping Tom is now considered the 24th best British film ever.

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