Saturday, August 16, 2008


I was compiling some songs the other day for one of my friends that does yoga. I feel like u should have some relaxing, special songs for that, and here they are:

Music 4 Meditation:

01. The Earlie's- Song for #3
02. The Velvet Underground- Sunday Morning
03. Efterklang- Cutting Ice to Snow
04. The Liars- The Other Side of Mr. Heart Attack
05. Atlas Sound- Oliver
06. Slowdive- Miranda
07. Grizzly Bear- Deep Sea Diver (Castanet's Mix)
08. Squarepusher- Tommib
09. Plaid- Zamami
10. Kid 606- Sometimes
11. Dntel- Last Songs
12. Inca Ore- Baby Tiger, I Went Far Away
13. Tape- Beams Out
14. Hot Chip- Look After Me
15. Radiohead- Worrywort
16. To Rococco Rot- Feld
17. Underworld- 8 Ball
18. Future Sound of London- My Kingdom

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